Life is so unpredictable.
Human is made by God but not purely to enjoy lives.
Challenges are coming non-stop as time is keep ticking on and on.
Recently there was H1N1 spreading around the world.
Taiwan was attacked by the most severe flood in history.
All of these shits make me feel that lives are just so fragile.
I was grieve when I saw those who lost their families;
I felt bad when I saw those unhappy stories keep happening.
All of these tragedies are unpredictable.
Is it God playing a joke at us?
Why do God made us and terminates our lives at the same time?
Sighs and wails can be heard all over the places.
Nevertheless,view from another angle
were these disasters caused by ourselves?
Exploitation of forests,development of buildings,advancement in tech and etc
Human is always working for a better life
increase in lives value = increase in adversities ?
Positive relationship??? Lol
How should we deal with these unwanted agony?
Once again
Lifes is so unpredictable
as we cannot predict what is going to happen the next minute
So should I live my life by the way I want to?
or should I live my life by the way I wish to?
or should I live my life by the way I being forced to?
Everyone should live their lives to the MAX...